The Unexpected Grief of Motherhood

This has been a big week for many families with kids returning to school. While a joyous occasion for many who crave the structure and routine the school year provides, others feel a deep sense of loss by not having their children with them or simply from not knowing what is going on in their lives for seven plus hours a day.

I remember the first days of kindergarten and how the first day felt surprisingly manageable, but the second day hit hard!  I thought about my kids throughout that day wondering how they were feeling and what they were doing.  Like a lot of parents, I could not wait to start asking questions, but did not consider how exhausted they would be and that they would not want to talk much about their day, even when it went well.  That created a sense of loss.  I had them back with me but was missing out on their experiences of the day. 

Similarly, these same feelings creep up on their birthdays.  While it is exciting to celebrate them, their growth and coming into their own, I am often hit with sadness at the things that will no longer be there as they once were.  I think about the snuggles, reading books at bedtime, even the fun things that we used to do together are not as fun anymore for them.  With a teen and pre-teen now, the lack of information shared feels much like those kindergarten days! Hello again grief.

I am often asked in sessions how two opposite emotions can exist at the same time.  Excitement and sadness, gratefulness and loss….and I usually respond with “Welcome to Motherhood and another thing that we are not prepared to encounter in this role!”  When so many messages about motherhood are about it being the greatest and happiest time of life (can we please stop putting this pressure on moms?), women are often confused at how they can feel such deep sadness and often express guilt for feeling that way.

The purpose in acknowledging these losses is to allow space to experience and feel them because they are a part of the journey. 

These examples speak to the loss we feel when it comes to our children, yet there are other forms of loss as well for moms.  Loss of identity, loss of experiences that may have been anticipated when becoming a parent but did not meet expectations, loss of the relationship with a partner before having kids to name a few.

Let’s give each other and ourselves grace to acknowledge the good, the difficult and the sadness of motherhood. Creating community around these shared experiences makes us stronger.

Grief takes many forms throughout our lives and please note this post does not address losses of motherhood that include pregnancy loss or loss of a child.

What to Say When You Don't Know What to Say

 In my work with clients who have experienced grief, one of the recurrent themes we talk about are the things that other people say. While there is agreement that most people have good intentions with their words, often the result leaves the grieving person feeling unheard and unsupported.

For those who want to say the right thing comes a pressure to not screw it up and with that pressure comes saying the wrong thing or saying nothing at all, which again leaves the grieving person feeling unsupported.

 So, what to do?

For those who are grieving, others may want to take your lead and if you are comfortable talking about the loss, that offers permission for others to ask you more.  When people ask the standard “How are you?” there may be times that you don’t really want to share the truth, depending on who is asking.  At the same time, it is ok to take those opportunities to tell people exactly how you are doing to bring awareness that grief is ongoing, and some days will be harder than others, no matter how much time has passed.

For those who want to support the grieving person, a simple “I don’t know what to say but I am thinking about you” can mean a lot.  By owning the truth that you are at a loss for the right words acknowledges that there is no right thing to say in such an emotionally heavy time in a person’s life.  Offering practical support such as seeing if the person needs anything from the store or picking a date to bring a meal, offering to watch someone’s children for a bit so they can have a break, are all meaningful to the person who is trying to juggle so much at once.  Those who are grieving struggle with asking for help and not wanting to be a burden so offering the help eliminates that barrier.

 Sometimes nonverbal communication can also be effective.  A smile, a hand on a shoulder or a hug without having to say anything are all expressions of support to those who need it provided they are comfortable with those gestures.

 When a person is grieving, the one thing they would ask to make things better would be to not have had the experience of loss they have had.  We do not have the power to take away those experiences, but we have the power to be mindful of how we offer support and recognize our limits to fix the overall situation.  Stay away from giving advice unless asked and most importantly do not assume to know someone’s grief process as it is an individual experience.

Parenting During A Pandemic

After week 7 of being at home due to stay at home orders, you would think there would be time for multiple blog posts, but the truth is the days are not as slow or empty as I thought they would be. Balancing work, adjusting to seeing clients through a computer screen vs in person, and trying to home school a fifth a second grader while trying to keep my cool have all proven to be frustrating, rewarding, and exhausting at the same time.

I was able to participate in a recent webinar sponsored by SAFEchild, discussing different aspects of parenting during a pandemic. This is uncharted territory for all of us and there is no instruction manual for how we are supposed to cope. We are asked to do the impossible in juggling all of these roles. Our children are missing their friends, routines, and yes even school! We are trying to cope with our emotions as well as support theirs and no doubt everyone is losing their patience.

The webinar talks about grief, for ourselves and our children, the rupture and repair that inevitably happens in relationships right now, and ideas for how to manage working from home with kids.

Grief –


Rupture and Repair --  


Working from Home -

Are We Holding Too Much?


The article below explores how women are holding on to a lot of things and the importance of being able to set things down occasionally.


This time of year, in addition to the daily things we must hold, the approaching holidays throw more at us with family and social obligations, travel, finding that perfect gift.  There is a feeling that we must keep piling things onto our plates or the feeling that we should do it all.  Often, we are the ones putting that pressure on ourselves.  So, we are the ones who can change it.

 As the article explains, some things in life are harder to put down such as work or parenting.  However, if we could take a moment to step back and look at all of the places we are putting our energy, there is likely something that we could step away from or exercise the ability to say no to, as hard as that may be.

 Some things to try:

Put your phone away for a period of time each night.  Stay in the moment with what you are doing and who you are with. Breaking from social media every now and then can be healthy to avoid feeling as though you are not doing enough. It is also good to note that life goes on, even if you are not connected all of the time!

 Step outside and breathe deeply.  Fresh air and the practice of deep breathing can relax your mind and body in minutes.

 Say No!  Hard when things are asked but take a moment to stop and think about what you have going on and if you truly have space for more in your life.  No.  It is a complete sentence and does not require further explanation, it is enough.

 Do something you love.  Take a walk, engage in a hobby, be still.  Whatever can help re-energize you is important and worth taking time for.

Ask for help. All of the people you are holding things for in some way are capable of helping to lighten your load, but they may not know what to do. Simply asking family, partners, even kids to pitch in benefits everyone. Others may want to help but they are not sure what to do so it all starts with asking!

Parenting Tug of War: Who Wins?

Tug of war is a game of strength where two opposing forces are pulling each other to get the center of the rope over to their side.  The center of the rope is usually noted by a red mark or some sort of string tied in the middle.  When that point moves past center and toward the other team’s side, a winner is declared.

What happens though, if you are the red mark? 

I write this coming off a week when I truly felt like the red mark, being pulled in two different directions and whichever side I was pulled toward in a given moment, it felt as though the other side would lose. For me the two sides were my work and my child who was home sick. 

It was 5:00 in the morning and I was enjoying my best sleep of the night when I heard feet coming in the room followed by tears and a pitiful “My throat hurts!”  My gut knew it was strep and a thermometer and doctor’s appointment later, we were home with the official diagnosis and a bottle of antibiotics. 

In the midst of all of that, I was also finding time to run to my office and grab my computer to let my clients know I would not be in that day and also wondering where I would reschedule everyone knowing I am on vacation in two weeks and my schedule is already full.

On one side my sweet boy who was down for the count and wanted snuggles and to be taken care of and on the other side my clients who depend on me to be there for their scheduled appointments because their time is also valuable.

The joy of being a private practice clinician is the flexibility and schedule that allows me to pick my kids up some afternoons, but the downside is that on a sick day, there is no one else who can do my job for me and my clients are not able to have their scheduled sessions.

I am so fortunate that my husband is a team player and willing to do what he can, and his work is also flexible.  Still when he misses work it causes stress and things pile up as they do for me.  We were able to figure it out by splitting time, but both of us felt as though we were spinning.

Parents often find themselves pulled in two directions whether it is work and being home with a sick child, being pulled between multiple kids and their activities that always seem to be scheduled at the same time, or the pull between taking care of everyone else or taking care of ourselves.

Whatever the tug of war scenario is, it seems that the anxiety it creates stems from the pressure of feeling the need to do it all and perform at 100% in all areas at all times.  The part that we forget is that we are human. Life happens and is often out of our control. 

When having to reschedule appointments that week I found the need to explain why I was out and apologize multiple times for having to cancel.  Did I really need to do this?  I question why I was not able to just explain that I needed to be out of the office and leave it at that.  Apologizing suggested that I had done something that was my fault when in reality I was responding to a life situation that came out of the blue.  If roles had been reversed and someone had to cancel scheduled time with me due to an unexpected event, I know that I would not have looked for or needed an apology.

 I wanted to be able to have a single focus on that day of taking care of my son but in the middle of giving him fluids and medication, I was checking emails and voicemails in an effort to make up for the fact that I could not be in the office. 

This is where technology is good and bad.  It is good to keep me in communication with work on a day I am home and it is bad because it keeps me in communication with work on a day I am home.  I would have liked to be totally disconnected, to have one role that day, to be a mom.  In hindsight that is exactly what I should have done.

Once I notified clients that I needed to reschedule I should have shut down work mode and been present with my son.  My constant checking and responding to work emails could have waited.  The world would not have ended, and my clients would have been understanding if it took a day to get back to them.  I wish I had felt that way in the moment and I hope to learn from this experience the next time, because I know there will be a next time.

It is easier in life to give grace to others and be understanding when they face difficulties or need to cancel plans.  Why can’t we do this for ourselves?  It may be time to recognize that the best approach is to deal with what is in front of us at any given moment rather than trying to tackle all the pieces of life at once.  Rather than being the red mark moving back and forth constantly, stay on one side for a while, be in the moment and give ourselves permission to do so.

If we continue to be pulled back and forth, eventually we will give out.  When a rope is pulled on, it starts to fray and eventually falls apart.  The way to prevent that is to give the rope a break, lay it down and let it rest.  This is a good reminder that in order for us to stay strong and have energy to give to those areas pulling at us, we must stop, take a break and rebuild our strength.  Focusing on one thing at a time is a good start and remembering to be as kind to ourselves as we would be to others in a similar situation helps to keep us together.

Moms need a check in too

When a woman is pregnant everyone seems so happy to notice her glow, her growing bump, and the importance of what she is doing by bringing new life into the world. She is showered literally with parties and gifts and she is the center of any room she is in. “When are you due?” “How are you feeling?” “Do you know if it is a boy or a girl?” There is a need to know everything about her and the pregnancy.

Then comes baby. The attention that was focused on the pregnant woman is shifted to the baby. “Is he/she sleeping? Eating? Pooping?” Suddenly the baby is the most prominent thing in the room and mom seems to fade to the background. Everyone wants to hold the baby or make funny faces at the baby. The comments are centered on how adorable the baby is and who the baby looks like.

I remember distinctly how often people would stop to open or hold doors for me or offer to help me carry things throughout my pregnancy. As a new mom struggling to balance a car seat with a newborn, diaper bag, and with my second pregnancy a toddler, people did not seem to rush to hold doors as they once did or offer to help. It certainly could not be because I apperared to be capable in those moments loaded down with all the necessities I would not dare to leave home without! The aura of pregnancy had faded and it seemed I was less noticeable even though I traveled with a lot more.

It is not wrong to shift attention to the baby, this tiny person who needs so much care, but what about mom? Is she eating? Is she sleeping? Is she taking time to go to the bathroom? These questions are just as important to ask her as they are to ask about the baby.

Newborns have follow up appointments at two weeks, four weeks, six weeks and eight weeks with their pediatrician. Typically moms have their first postpartum check up at six to eight weeks after the baby is born. During that period of time, symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety can appear and increase in severity which is why earlier check ups would be helpful in identifying these symptoms and beginning treatment as soon as possible.

The article below reminds us of how moms do get put at the bottom of the list sometimes, and it can be a position that is maintained within the family structure. If moms learn that their place is at the bottom and others’ needs come first they are set up to not recognize or nurture their own needs. When moms are taking care of themselves, the whole family benefits. The reverse is also true. If mom is not taking care of herself, the family will feel the effects in a negative way.

Self care is different for everyone. It may be more rest, exercise, time with friends or alone time. Moms are also weighted down by the idea that we can and should be able to do it all. With that comes the inability to ask for help or the feeling that asking for help is a sign of weakness. Wouldn’t it be great to see utilizing resources and getting help as a sign of strength? For this to happen, I believe the worth of mothers and the benefits of their own self care need to be put back toward the top of the list.

The next time you are visitng with a friend or family member and their baby, ask mom how she is. If she replies “I’m fine”, ask her more. “Are you resting and taking care of yourself?” “Can I do anything to help you? “ Taking that one moment to check in with her can make a world of difference and give her permission to acknowledge how hard it is and that she could in fact use support.

Why Do Mothers Become Invisible After Giving Birth?

In a futre post I will share resources about how dads are also impacted and need to take care of themselves and seek support when needed.